Dirty Callahan

Dirty Callahan Casper’s standing to a limited book in 2019. He is NSBA & Color BCF enrolled, Breeders Trust & PIP nominated. Stud fee $700, SS $250 Proven mare discount


Dirty Callahan ( Casper )
2015 AQHA/APHA/PtHA Cremello Overo stallion
5 panel and OLWS negative
AA, ee, CR/CR, nd1/nd2
Conformation, Movement and a great Mind!
Casper is (2)CBC Champion in Halter, Reserve Grand Champion all ages, top 5 & 10 in 2 year old Western Pleasure at CBC. He has points in Lunge Line, Western Pleasure and Discipline Rail and NSBA! He’s also been showing in Trail and loves it!
His get will be eligible for NSBA, Breeders Trust and PIP.
First foals start arriving in February 2019.

Dirty Callahan

Dirty Callahan Standing at:

Tegtmeier Paints And Quarter Horses
Diane Tegtmeier
27479 Willow Ave.
Shell Rock IA 50670
Cell: 319-215-9090 (Cell)

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